About Us
The Battle Lake 542 Education Foundation is a non-profit 501(c)(3), organized in 2011 to respond to the ever-increasing needs of our award-winning school district by financially supporting educational programs for all students in Preschool-12 grades.
Board Members
Chairperson: Jeff Skogen, Class of 1983
Vice Chair: Lisa Frank, Community Member
Treasurer: Jack Everts, Class of 2004
Secretary: Amy Severson, SpEd Teacher
Communications: Lisa Young, Elementary Teacher
Marketing: Julia (Everts) DeMars, Class of 2008
5k/10k Director: MacKenzie Provost, Class of 2010
Wes Hull, Class of 1985
TTT Liaison: Diana Johnson, Community Member
Home Tour: Jill (Langren) Damrau, Class of 1976
Membership: Lisa Malmstrom, Community Member
Data Analyst: Boston Heaford, Class of 2014
Rick Schaller, Class of 1961
Robert Nudell, Ex Officio
David Marso, High School Science: Physics Demonstration Equipment - $948.00
Anita Schaller, 3rd grade: Math Manipulatives - $50.46
Anita Schaller, 3rd grade: Calculators for Math - $51.90
Beth Wallevand, 1st grade: Phonemic Awareness and eLearning bags - $519.66
Amy Severson, Special Ed: Sensory Room Swing - $350.00
Jenny Mansker, PreK: Books, bins, organization and more - $170.30
Abby Nygaard, Special Ed: Sensory Supplies - $600.00
Stacy Lundquist, 5th & 6th Grade: Barn Quilt Tile - $600.00
Janell Kraemer, Business Ed/BPA/Yearbook: Storage, books, racks, lighting, camera, voice recorder, backdrop kit, office seating, etc. - $7000.00
Andrea Bellig, 1st grade: Science of Reading, Decodable books - $996.58
Patsi Kugler, Kindergarten: Classroom fine motor skill builders - $250.00
Jennifer Kerzman, Kindergarten: Fine motor tools for classroom - $250.00
Dan Ukkelberg, Kate Scherfenberg, Heather Akerman for Ag, Chinese, & Special Ed: Kitchen Supplies - $2500.00
Brady Speicher, Jenny Roisum, Joe DeMars, and Kate Scherfenberg for Class VR: Supplies, Headsets, Controllers, Cubes - $7953.00
Heather Akerman, Special Ed: Heat Press for store - $2800.00
Steve Bradsteen, Phy Ed/Health: Monster Rocker 270 - $119.00
Kathryn Scherfenberg, Chinese - Flexible seating and Lighting - $101.79
Susan Uhren, Speech/Language Pathologist: Projects for work skills program and holiday store projects - $550.00
Tessa Grewe, PreK: Various classroom tools - Spoons, forks, plates; Magnet Tiles; Learn to Dress Board; Trace & Write Alphabet Center; Make a Face Magnetic Designer - $132.74
Joe Mollberg, 4th Grade & Weight Room: Weight Room Sign / Goals / Records - $2000.00
Eric Olson, 2nd Grade: Sound system Mic, amp, and surround sound for classroom teaching - $1000.00
Lisa Young, 3rd Grade: Microphone Sound System, book bins, and awards - $356.97
Julie Gronbeck, Internal Reading Corps: Bean bag chair, paper shredder, small laminator, & laminator pouches - $200.0
Tanya Maethner and Kay Lukken, Library: Books - $1300.00
Total: $30,800.40​​​
December 2022 Grants:
Patsi Kugler, Kindergarten: Document Camera – $130
Library Staff – Nonfiction books for young readers-$6,000
Cassie Buchite, Counselor/Ali Buehler, Social Worker: Sensory materials for counseling office – $400
Lisa Young, 3rd Grade: Mice for chrome books, table, multiplication wrap ups – $836.46
Joe DeMars, HS Science: Document Camera, digital balances, microscope camera – $2,954
Amy Severson, Elementary Special Ed: Sensory Path – $500
Kristine LaVoi, Academic Interventionist: Table & Chairs – $718
Abby Moxness, 5th Grade: Table with Stools – $1000
Susan Uhren, Speech Pathologist: Holiday Store supplies, Cart, Display – $800
Tessa Kortlever, Pre-K 4/5 – Classroom Supplies – $281.73
Joe Mollberg, 4th Grade: Flex Table – $650
Brady Speicher, Social Studies: Forensic Kit – $174.15
Julie Gronbeck, Title 1: Supplies, Meeting rug – $300
Julie Gronbeck, Title 1: Supplies for Reading Core – $300
Mike Scholten, HS Math: Microphone & Amplifier – $970
Dan Ukkelberg, Ag. Education: Welding Supplies, Welder – $5,650.72
Heather Akerman, HS Special Ed.: Workstation Desks – $1000
Jennifer Kerzman, Kindergarten: Classroom Supplies – $300
Bill Klaers, Industrial Technology: Laser Engraver/cutter – $900
Janell Kraemer, HS Business Ed.: Studio Lightbox, pricing gun, tagging gun, marketing materials, flex seating, lighting for lab, mice, wrist supports, speakers – $2500
Kate Scherfenberg, Chinese: Seating, Rug, Chairs, Whiteboards – $ 274.21
Jenny Mansker, Pre-K 3: Classroom Supplies – $187.25
Jenny Mansker, Pre-K 3: Sensory Play Supplies – $110.53
Beth Wallevand, 1st Grade: Wobble Stools – $550
Sara Anderson, 6th Grade: Flex Seating – $200
Kaele Peterson, Vocal Music: Audio System – $1500
Heather Akerman, HS Special Ed.: School Store supplies – $1000
Abby Moxness, 5th Grade: Generation Genius Subscription – $175
Amber Eastwood, Elementary Special Ed.: Task Boxes – $720.74
Lisa Young, 3rd Grade: Math IXL- $299
Total: $31,381.79
December 2021 Grants:
Jill Damrau, Preschool 4’s: 12 Book on Character Building $100
Amber Eastwood, Special Ed.: Adaptable Work Area Table and Chairs $1290
Beth Wallevand, 1st Grade: Classroom Reading Rug $440
Beth Wallevand, 1st grade: Document Camera $120
Amy Severson, Special Ed.: Sensory Room Mini Trampoline $116
Jenny Mansker, Preschool 3’s: Outdoor Play Items and Storage $639.41
Abby Moxness, 5th Grade: Generation Genius $175
Abby Moxness, 5th Grade: Chromebook Cart $550
Janell Kraemer, Business Ed.: Business Ed Board Games, Simulations, and Flexible Seating $1800
Patsi Kugler, Kindergarten: Classroom Paint Center Refresh $230
Patsi Kugler, Kindergarten: Classroom Library Refresh, $230
Sara Anderson, 6th Grade: Storage Seat Sacks $270
Julie Gronbeck, Reading & Math Corps: Supplies, Rewards, and Incentives $150
Julie Gronbeck, Title 1: Rewards, and Incentives $150
Heather Akerman, Special Ed.: Heat Press for the Battler Front Store $1500
Anne Cline, 2nd Grade: MobyMax Subscription $149.95
Kathryn Scherfenberg, World Language: Room Atmosphere $279.95
Susan Uhren, Speech/Language Pathologist: Project Christmas Store Items $350
Steve Bradsteen, Physical Education: Disc Golf Baskets, 10 Cones, Barbells $1000
Jennifer Kerzman, Kindergarten: Book Boxes $250
David Marso, High School Science: 10 Thermometers $179.60
Brady Speicher, High School Social Studies: 20 Compasses $210
Shauna Heggem, High School English: Flexible Classroom Seating $193
Paula Christensen, Title K-6: Indoor Recess Puzzles and Board Games $80
Lisa Young, 3rd Grade: Math Manipulatives, Solar System Set, Rug, Incentives $626.88
Total: $11,079.79
December 2020 Grants:
Lisa Young, 3rd/4th Grade: Distance learning manipulatives & tools $261.66
Tanya Maethner/Kay Lukken, library: List of books/fillers of series $2500.00
Julie Frost, preK: Fine motor manipulatives for distance learning (4/5 yo) $874.53
Andrea Bellig, 1st grade: A Mouse for Everyone $212.39
Jenny Mansker, preK: Fine motor manipulatives (3 yo) $560.22
Traci Walkowski, Agriscience: Landscaping tools $848.44
Jennifer Kerzman, Kindergarten: Art easel $300.00
Julie Gronbeck, Title I: Title I rewards & incentives $150.00
Julie Gronbeck, Reading/Math Corps: Materials & incentives for Corps $150.00
Paula Christensen, Playground supervisor: Tub Toys $400.00
Amy Severson, SpEd: Alternate classroom seating $469.83
Janell Kraemer, Business Education: Microsoft Office Software Upgrade $700.00
Amber Eastwood, SpEd: Sensory calming/work area $160.00
Patsi Kugler, Kindergarten: Computer Mice $320.00
Patsi Kugler, Kindergarten: Independent Learning station tools $260.00
BL School Overall – Technology for remote teaching $5,000.00
Total: $13,167.07
December 2019 Grants:
Patsi Kugler: $51.44 Kindergarten Headphone extenders
Anne Cline: $316.75 2nd grade Workspace rug
Lisa Young: $329.46 grade Math manipulatives
Jennifer Kerzman: $100 Kindergarten Flexible seating
Jennifer Kerzman: $100 Kindergarten Paddle boards
Julie Gronbeck: $150 Title I Reading/Math Corps supplies
Beth Wallevand: $550 4th grade Chromebook accessories
Steve Bradsteen: $500 Health/PE PE Enhancement
Anita Schaller: $239.70 3rd grade Wireless mice for Chromebooks
Amy Severson: $730 SpEd Sensory room items
CJ Peeters: $1000 Health/PE Yoga support
Susan Uhren/Heather Akerman: $600 SLP/HS SpEd School store
Abby Moxness: $1240 5th/6th Science/Social Tables & chairs
Mike Scholten: $115 Math Whiteboards
Anne Cline: $84.73 2nd grade Coding computers
Amber Eastwood: $449 SpEd Resource room separation
Sara Anderson: $1500 5th/6th Language Arts Flexible seating
Paula Christensen: $120 Title I Electric ball pump
Melanie Koltes: $150 Title 1 Reading Reward prizes for reading
Kate Scherfenberg: $150.20 Chinese Calligraphy brushes
Kate Scherfenberg: $579.72 Chinese Alternative seating
Janell Kraemer: $1500 Business Ed Flexible seating
Patsi Kugler: $188.89 Kindergarten Gym Jam Equip K-6
Patsi Kugler: $225 Kindergarten Bounce to Play K-2
Bill Klaers: $2000 Ind Tech/Ag First Robotics Team
Total: $12,969.89
December 2018:
Anne Cline, 2nd: $200 Maker Space supplies
Jennifer Kerzman, 1st: $300 Manipulatives
Patsy Kugler, Kindergarten: $300 STEM Manipulatives
Anne Cline, 2nd: $280.52 Math Manipulatives
Jodi Himmelspach, HS Math: $109.95 Classroom white boards
Gronbeck, Wilson, Ellstrom, Wagner: $150 Reading & Math Corp supplies, incentives
Paula Christensen: $150 Title I reading incentives
Heather Akerman, HS SpEd: $160 Cash register for life skills
Susan Uhren, Speech u0026amp; Language: $500 Inventory for school store
Julie Frost, Readiness: $821.65 Literacy Development Center
Shawn Neisen, Choir/Music: $1080 Folder Storage Cabinet
Steve Bradsteen, PE: $5723.71 40 Heart Zone systems
Jennifer Mansker, PreK: $1066.17 Costumes & supplies
Randy McIntire, Art: $700 20 Wood Burning Kits
December 2017:
Digital Media Production Lab: $5,875.73
Amber Eastwood, Pre/ECFE/SpEd: $603.77 Reading Center
Julie Frost, Readiness: $831.57 “Move Those Muscles”
Jennifer Kerzman, 1st: $100 Document camera
Anne Cline, 2nd: $187.57 Kindle Fire cases
Kari Dorn, Business: $57.49 Quizlet subscription
Kay Lukken, Library: $217.99 Library enhancements
Anita Schaller, 3rd: $400 Interactive carpet
Mike Scholten, HS Math: $300 Calculators
Bret Setterholm, 4th: $900 Bloxel Learning Set
Heather Akerman, HS SpEd: $690 Kitchen supplies
Traci Block, Agriculture: $934.40 Food Science Lab
Patsi Kugler, Kindergarten: $59.94 Kindle Fire cases
Andrea Bellig, 1st: $59.94 Kindle Fire cases
Jennifer Kerzman, 1st: $59.94 Kindle Fire cases
Julie Frost, PreK: $59.94 Kindle Fire cases
Amber Eastwood, PreK: $59.94 Kindle Fire cases
December 2016
Amy Severson, SpEd teacher: Sensory Room Swing $279.95
Jodi Himmelspach, 7-12 Math: Graphing Calculators $300.00
Julie Frost, PreK/ECFE: Dramatic Play Learning Center $1203.81
Patsi Kugler, Kindergarten: STEM Learning Bundle for Early Learners $600
Heather Akerman, HS SpEd: Chromebooks $750
Anne Cline, 2nd Grade: Hands-On Science $250
Andrea Bellig, 1st Grade: Nonfiction “Just Right” books $115
Anne Cline, representing K-2 Ipad teachers: Ipad Cart Headphone Adapters $95
JoAnn Orpen, Band/Music: Piano Station/Keyboards $1000
Cindy Peterson, Music: Sonor Metallophones $950
Beth Wallevand, 4th Grade: Books on CD Library $250.92
Gini Olson, Preschool/ECFE: Legos–Let’s Build with Young Children(Tables & Chairs) $1200
Jennifer Kerzman, 1st Grade: Classroom Carpet with “A Place for Everybody” $479
April / May 2015
Tom Leuthner, Industrial Technology Teacher – $4,000 for Robotics
Amy Severson, Special Ed. Teacher – $570 for Sensory Room Supplies
Patsi Kugler, Kindergarten Teacher – $300 for Kids Kore Wobble Chairs
Jodi Himmelspach, Math Teacher – $265 for Calculators
Andrea Bellig, Elementary Teacher – $436 for A Place for Everyone Rainbow Carpet
Heidi Christensen, Preschool Teacher – $1,748 for Listening Station Supplies
December 2013
Patsi Kugler, Kindergarten Teacher – $190 for Whiteboard Paddles
Mike Scholten, Math Teacher – $175 for Whiteboard Erasers & Markers
Jodi Himmelspach, Math Teacher – $625 for Calculators
Fall 2012
Alaine Risbrudt, Media & Technology Specialist – $400 for 2 Document Cameras
Patsi Kugler, Kindergarten Teacher – $550 for a Classroom Community Rug
Mike Scholten, Math Teacher – $167.50 for 50 Two-Sided, Dry Erase Boards
Andrea Bellig, 4th Grade Teacher – $300 for 2 iPod Nanos to Support Audio Books
Anne Cline, 2nd Grade Teacher – $350 for 3 Leapfrog Tag Learning Systems
Jodi Himmelspach, Math Teacher – $375 for 3 Classroom Graphing Calculators
Tom Leuthner, Industrial Technology Teacher – $750 Lather & Turning Tools
Spring 2012
Alaine Risbrudt, Media & Technology Specialist – $300 for Kindles
Patsi Kugler, Kindergarten Teacher – $200 for iPod & iTunes Card
Sharon Twete, Kindergarten Teacher – $200 Reading/Writing Center
Mike Scholten, Math Teacher – $150 for 10 Calculators
Brian Fitzgerald, English Teacher – $150 for 3 7th Grade Success Group